
Airbnb NYC Listings Data Analysis

Analysis of a public Airbnb dataset from Kaggle:

Dataset describes the Airbnb listing activity and metrics in NYC, NY for 2019. It includes all needed information to find out more about hosts, geographical availability, necessary metrics to make predictions and draw conclusions.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import datetime
%matplotlib inline
nyc_df = pd.read_csv('AB_NYC_2019.csv')
id name host_id host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood latitude longitude room_type price minimum_nights number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365
0 2539 Clean & quiet apt home by the park 2787 John Brooklyn Kensington 40.64749 -73.97237 Private room 149 1 9 2018-10-19 0.21 6 365
1 2595 Skylit Midtown Castle 2845 Jennifer Manhattan Midtown 40.75362 -73.98377 Entire home/apt 225 1 45 2019-05-21 0.38 2 355
2 3647 THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK ! 4632 Elisabeth Manhattan Harlem 40.80902 -73.94190 Private room 150 3 0 NaN NaN 1 365
3 3831 Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone 4869 LisaRoxanne Brooklyn Clinton Hill 40.68514 -73.95976 Entire home/apt 89 1 270 2019-07-05 4.64 1 194
4 5022 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park 7192 Laura Manhattan East Harlem 40.79851 -73.94399 Entire home/apt 80 10 9 2018-11-19 0.10 1 0

Based on the raw data provided we can explore the following questions:

Data Cleaning and Preparation

In this stage the data is checked for accuracy and completeness prior to beginning the analysis.

Checking for missing values
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 48895 entries, 0 to 48894
Data columns (total 16 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------  -----  
 0   id                              48895 non-null  int64  
 1   name                            48879 non-null  object 
 2   host_id                         48895 non-null  int64  
 3   host_name                       48874 non-null  object 
 4   neighbourhood_group             48895 non-null  object 
 5   neighbourhood                   48895 non-null  object 
 6   latitude                        48895 non-null  float64
 7   longitude                       48895 non-null  float64
 8   room_type                       48895 non-null  object 
 9   price                           48895 non-null  int64  
 10  minimum_nights                  48895 non-null  int64  
 11  number_of_reviews               48895 non-null  int64  
 12  last_review                     38843 non-null  object 
 13  reviews_per_month               38843 non-null  float64
 14  calculated_host_listings_count  48895 non-null  int64  
 15  availability_365                48895 non-null  int64  
dtypes: float64(3), int64(7), object(6)
memory usage: 6.0+ MB

The name, host_name, last_review and reviews_per_month columns have missing values.

The missing values originate from a variety of reasons:

Additionally, it is recommended to make the above values a required field for listing data collection purposes to avoid missing data in the future.

Identifying and Replacing Missing Values

##Rows with missing value for last_review

False    48879
True        16
Name: name, dtype: int64
##Rows with missing value for last_review

False    48874
True        21
Name: host_name, dtype: int64
##Rows with missing value for last_review

False    38843
True     10052
Name: last_review, dtype: int64
##Rows with missing value for reviews_per_month

False    38843
True     10052
Name: reviews_per_month, dtype: int64

The majority of the missing data is from the “last_review” and “reviews_per_month” columns. Since the other two columns only have relatively few missing values we can just delete the associated rows.

Replacing Missing Values

The reviews_per_month and last_review values are connected to each other. The missing values represent the fact that a review has not been left for that listing.

#Replacing missing values
nyc_df['reviews_per_month'] = nyc_df['reviews_per_month'].fillna(0.0)
## We have replaced all the missing reviews_per_month with a 0.0

False    48895
Name: reviews_per_month, dtype: int64
#Replacing missing values
nyc_df['last_review'] = nyc_df['last_review'].fillna("2019-12-31")
##Rows with missing value for last_review

False    48895
Name: last_review, dtype: int64

Deleting Missing Values

#Deleting rows with missing name values
nyc_df.dropna(subset=['name'], inplace=True)
#Deleting rows with missing 'host_name' values
nyc_df.dropna(subset=['host_name'], inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 48858 entries, 0 to 48894
Data columns (total 16 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------  -----  
 0   id                              48858 non-null  int64  
 1   name                            48858 non-null  object 
 2   host_id                         48858 non-null  int64  
 3   host_name                       48858 non-null  object 
 4   neighbourhood_group             48858 non-null  object 
 5   neighbourhood                   48858 non-null  object 
 6   latitude                        48858 non-null  float64
 7   longitude                       48858 non-null  float64
 8   room_type                       48858 non-null  object 
 9   price                           48858 non-null  int64  
 10  minimum_nights                  48858 non-null  int64  
 11  number_of_reviews               48858 non-null  int64  
 12  last_review                     48858 non-null  object 
 13  reviews_per_month               48858 non-null  float64
 14  calculated_host_listings_count  48858 non-null  int64  
 15  availability_365                48858 non-null  int64  
dtypes: float64(3), int64(7), object(6)
memory usage: 6.3+ MB

All missing values have been dealt with.

Correcting formatting issues in data

#Converting last_review to datetime values 
nyc_df['last_review'] = pd.to_datetime(nyc_df['last_review'])
#Converting host_id to string
nyc_df['host_id'] = nyc_df['host_id'].astype(str)

Creating new features

In this stage we are adding new features that will provide more insight into the data.


#Identifying which month the review was left

nyc_df['month'] = nyc_df['last_review'].apply(lambda time: time.month)
#We needs to convert the values in the Month column from numbers to names of Months

dmap = {1:'January',2:'February',3:'March',4:'April',5:'May',6:'June',7:'July',8:'August',9:'September',10:'October',11:'November',12:'December'}
#Mapping our new dictionary to the Month column in the Dataframe

nyc_df['month'] = nyc_df['month'].map(dmap)

Listing Coordinates

‘listing_coordinate’ is the latitude and longitude pair for each listing that can be used to calculate distances to other points.

#Creating a dataframe for latitude and longitude of each listing
locations_df = nyc_df[["latitude","longitude"]]

#Creating a list of tuples
locations_df = locations_df.to_records(index=False)

#There is now a column 'locations' with the latitude and longitude pair for each listing. Example, 
nyc_df['listing_coordinates'] = list(locations_df) 

Major Attactions and Major Attraction Coordinates

The neighbourhood groups represent the boroughs of New York City. As people use Airbnb for short visits primarily it is useful to know how far listings are from popular locations in each borough like Central Park in Manhattan.

#Identifying unique neighbourhoods groups (boroughs)
array(['Brooklyn', 'Manhattan', 'Queens', 'Staten Island', 'Bronx'],

Major Attraction in Each Neighbourhoods Group (Borough)

#Coordinates of Major Attractions

brooklyn_bridge = (40.706001,-73.997002)
central_park = (40.769361,-73.977655)
citi_field = (40.75416365,-73.84082997)
staten_island_ferry = (40.643333,-74.074167) 
bronx_zoo = (40.852905,-73.872971)

#Creating a dictionary with the values in the neighbourhood group column to the names of the related attraction
dmap_locations = {'Brooklyn':"Brooklyn Bridge", 'Manhattan':"Central Park", 'Queens':"Citi Field", 'Staten Island':"St. Georges Ferry Terminal", 'Bronx':"Bronx Zoo"}

#Creating a dictionary with the values in the neighbourhood group column to the coordinates of the related attraction
dmap_coordinates = {'Brooklyn':brooklyn_bridge, 'Manhattan':central_park, 'Queens':citi_field, 'Staten Island':staten_island_ferry, 'Bronx':bronx_zoo}

#Mapping our new dictionary to the neighbourhood_group column in the Dataframe
nyc_df['major_attraction_location'] = nyc_df['neighbourhood_group'].map(dmap_locations)

#Mapping our new dictionary to the neighbourhood_group column in the Dataframe
nyc_df['major_attraction_coordinates'] = nyc_df['neighbourhood_group'].map(dmap_coordinates)

Distance to Major Attactions

import haversine
from haversine import haversine, Unit

#haversine can calculate the distance (in various units) between two points on Earth using their latitude and longitude.

# We use the lambda function to apply haversine to calculate the distance to central park from each listing in Miles
# The default units for haversine are Km but we have set it to Miles here
# x.listing_coordinates and x.major_attraction_coordinates represent the coordinates of the listing location and the major attraction
nyc_df['distance_to_major_attractions'] = nyc_df.apply(lambda x: haversine(x.listing_coordinates,x.major_attraction_coordinates,unit=Unit.MILES), axis = 1)

#Rounding the values for readability
nyc_df['distance_to_major_attractions'] = nyc_df['distance_to_major_attractions'].round(2)

Data Analysis and Visualization

In this stage, we will examine the data to identify any patterns, trends and relationships between the variables. It will help us analyze the data and extract insights that can be used to make decisions.

Data Visualization will give us a clear idea of what the data means by giving it visual context.

Checking for any correlation in the data



There does not appear to be any significant correlation between variables

Host ID

count         48858
unique        37425
top       219517861
freq            327
Name: host_id, dtype: object

There are 37425 unique hosts with host 219517861 having the most listings (327).

nyc_df[nyc_df['host_id'] == '219517861'].head()
id name host_id host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood latitude longitude room_type price ... number_of_reviews last_review reviews_per_month calculated_host_listings_count availability_365 month listing_coordinates major_attraction_location major_attraction_coordinates distance_to_major_attractions
38293 30181691 Sonder | 180 Water | Incredible 2BR + Rooftop 219517861 Sonder (NYC) Manhattan Financial District 40.70637 -74.00645 Entire home/apt 302 ... 0 2019-12-31 0.00 327 309 December [40.70637, -74.00645] Central Park (40.769361, -73.977655) 4.61
38294 30181945 Sonder | 180 Water | Premier 1BR + Rooftop 219517861 Sonder (NYC) Manhattan Financial District 40.70771 -74.00641 Entire home/apt 229 ... 1 2019-05-29 0.73 327 219 May [40.70771, -74.00641] Central Park (40.769361, -73.977655) 4.52
38588 30347708 Sonder | 180 Water | Charming 1BR + Rooftop 219517861 Sonder (NYC) Manhattan Financial District 40.70743 -74.00443 Entire home/apt 232 ... 1 2019-05-21 0.60 327 159 May [40.70743, -74.00443] Central Park (40.769361, -73.977655) 4.50
39769 30937590 Sonder | The Nash | Artsy 1BR + Rooftop 219517861 Sonder (NYC) Manhattan Murray Hill 40.74792 -73.97614 Entire home/apt 262 ... 8 2019-06-09 1.86 327 91 June [40.74792, -73.97614] Central Park (40.769361, -73.977655) 1.48
39770 30937591 Sonder | The Nash | Lovely Studio + Rooftop 219517861 Sonder (NYC) Manhattan Murray Hill 40.74771 -73.97528 Entire home/apt 255 ... 14 2019-06-10 2.59 327 81 June [40.74771, -73.97528] Central Park (40.769361, -73.977655) 1.50

5 rows × 21 columns

The top host (219517861) is Sonder (NYC)


count            48858
unique             221
top       Williamsburg
freq              3917
Name: neighbourhood, dtype: object

There are 221 neighbourhoods with Williamsburg having the most listings (3917).

Top 10 Neighbourhoods with the Most Listings

Williamsburg          3917
Bedford-Stuyvesant    3713
Harlem                2655
Bushwick              2462
Upper West Side       1969
Hell's Kitchen        1954
East Village          1852
Upper East Side       1797
Crown Heights         1563
Midtown               1545
Name: neighbourhood, dtype: int64
#Calulating the total number of listings that the top 10 neighbourhoods account for

The top 10 neighbourhoods represent about 47.95% of all listings.

Neighbourhood Groups

#Identifying unique neighbourhoods
count         48858
unique            5
top       Manhattan
freq          21643
Name: neighbourhood_group, dtype: object

There are 5 neighbourhood groups with Manhattan having the most listings (21643).

Number of Listings in Each Neighbourhood Group

Manhattan        21643
Brooklyn         20089
Queens            5664
Bronx             1089
Staten Island      373
Name: neighbourhood_group, dtype: int64

Room Type

#Identifying number of rooms of each time
Entire home/apt    25393
Private room       22306
Shared room         1159
Name: room_type, dtype: int64
plt.title("Number of Rooms of Each Type",fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Rooms of Each Type')


The majority of the listings are Entire home/apts or Private rooms.


fig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

# We use order = nyc_df['Month'].value_counts().index to help us sort the count plot by the value counts

sns.countplot(x='month',data=nyc_df,order = nyc_df['month'].value_counts().index,palette='viridis')
plt.title("Airbnb Listings Each Month",fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Airbnb Listings Each Month')




On average, any given listing is available 113 days in a year.

# Identifying the average availability for each neighbourhood group (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['availability_365'].mean().round(2)

#Converting the series nbhd to a dataframe
nbhd_group = nbhd_group.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
nbhd_group.rename(columns={'availability_365': 'average_availability'}, inplace=True)

# Identifying the average price for each neighbourhood group (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['average_price'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['price'].mean().round()

# Identifying the average number of reviews per listing for each neighbourhood group (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['average_number_of_reviews_per_listing'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['number_of_reviews'].mean().round()

# Identifying the total number of reviews for each neighbourhood group(rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['total_number_of_reviews'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['number_of_reviews'].sum().round(2)

average_availability average_price average_number_of_reviews_per_listing total_number_of_reviews
Brooklyn 100.24 124.0 24.0 486174
Manhattan 112.01 197.0 21.0 454126
Queens 144.49 100.0 28.0 156902
Bronx 165.70 87.0 26.0 28334
Staten Island 199.68 115.0 31.0 11541

On average,

Duration of Stay


Average duration of stay for all listings is 7 days.

Breezy Point                   1.000000
New Dorp                       1.000000
Oakwood                        1.200000
East Morrisania                1.400000
Woodlawn                       1.454545
Bay Terrace, Staten Island    16.500000
Vinegar Hill                  18.352941
Olinville                     23.500000
North Riverdale               41.400000
Spuyten Duyvil                48.250000
Name: minimum_nights, Length: 221, dtype: float64

Listings in the Spuyten Duyvil neighbourhood offer the longest average duration of stay at approximately 48 days.

Bronx            4.564738
Brooklyn         6.057693
Manhattan        8.538188
Queens           5.182910
Staten Island    4.831099
Name: minimum_nights, dtype: float64

Listings in the Manhattan neighbourhood group offer the longest average duration of stay at approximately 9 days.

Distance to Major Attractions


On average, any given listing is 3.1 miles from the closest major attraction.

# Identifying the average distance to the closest major attraction for each neighbourhood group (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['distance_to_major_attractions'].mean().round(2)

#Converting the series nbhd to a dataframe
nbhd_group = nbhd_group.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
nbhd_group.rename(columns={'distance_to_major_attractions': 'average_distance_to_major_attractions'}, inplace=True)

# Identifying the average price for each neighbourhood group (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['average_price'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['price'].mean().round()

# Identifying the average number of reviews for each neighbourhood group (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['average_number_of_reviews_per_listing'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['number_of_reviews'].mean().round()

# Identifying the total number of reviews per listing for each neighbourhood group(rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['total_number_of_reviews'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['number_of_reviews'].sum().round(2)

average_distance_to_major_attractions average_price average_number_of_reviews_per_listing total_number_of_reviews
Bronx 2.42 87.0 26.0 28334
Manhattan 2.56 197.0 21.0 454126
Staten Island 3.12 115.0 31.0 11541
Brooklyn 3.37 124.0 24.0 486174
Queens 4.19 100.0 28.0 156902

On average,


Average Price Across all listings

avg_all_listings = round(nyc_df['price'].mean(),2)

Price and Reviews Per Month

afig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

sns.scatterplot(y='reviews_per_month',x='price', data=nyc_df)
plt.title("Reviews per Month vs. Price",fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Reviews per Month vs. Price')


fig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

sns.scatterplot(y='number_of_reviews',x='price', data=nyc_df)
plt.title("Number of Reviews vs. Price",fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Reviews vs. Price')


Based on the plot we can see that the majority of more expensive listings receive fewers reviews as compared to less expensive ones.

Average Price by Neighbourhood

# Identifying the average listing price for each neighbourhood (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood')['price'].mean().round(2)

#Converting the series nbhd to a dataframe
nbhd = nbhd.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
nbhd.rename(columns={'price': 'average_price'}, inplace=True)

# Identifying the average number of reviews for each neighbourhood (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd['average_number_of_reviews'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood')['number_of_reviews'].mean().round()

average_price average_number_of_reviews
Allerton 87.60 43.0
Arden Heights 67.25 8.0
Arrochar 115.00 15.0
Arverne 171.78 29.0
Astoria 117.19 21.0
fig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

sns.scatterplot(y='average_number_of_reviews',x='average_price', data=nbhd)
plt.title("Number of Reviews vs. Price: Aggregated by Neighbourhood",fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Reviews vs. Price: Aggregated by Neighbourhood')


We see that once the data is aggregated by neighbourhood averages, there is still a larger number of reviews left for the less expensive listings as compared to the more expensive ones.

Neighbourhoods with Listings Above Average Price

average_price                55
average_number_of_reviews    55
dtype: int64

There are 55 neighbourhoods with average listing price above the average for all listings.

Neighbourhoods with Listings Below Average Price

average_price                166
average_number_of_reviews    166
dtype: int64

There are 166 neighbourhoods with average listing price below the average for all listings.

Price in Each Neighbourhood Group

Bronx            106.798933
Brooklyn         186.936694
Manhattan        291.489822
Queens           167.128794
Staten Island    277.620403
Name: price, dtype: float64

Largest standard deviation in price is in Manhattan.

fig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

sns.scatterplot(y='price',x='neighbourhood_group', data=nyc_df)
plt.title("Listing Price by Neighbourhood Group",fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Listing Price by Neighbourhood Group')


The spread of prices is greatest in Manhattan.

Average Price, Total Number of Reviews and Number of Listings by Neighbourhood Group

# Identifying the average listing price for each neighbourhood (rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['price'].mean().round(2)

#Converting the series nbhd to a dataframe
nbhd_group = nbhd_group.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
nbhd_group.rename(columns={'price': 'average_price'}, inplace=True)

# Identifying the average number of reviews for each neighbourhood group(rounded to 2 decimal places)
nbhd_group['total_number_of_reviews'] = nyc_df.groupby('neighbourhood_group')['number_of_reviews'].sum().round(2)

nbhd_group['number_of_listings'] = nyc_df['neighbourhood_group'].value_counts()

#Ratio of reviews as compared to total number of listings for each neighbourhood group
nbhd_group['ratio'] = (nbhd_group['total_number_of_reviews']/nbhd_group['number_of_listings']).round(2)

average_price total_number_of_reviews number_of_listings ratio
Bronx 87.47 28334 1089 26.02
Brooklyn 124.41 486174 20089 24.20
Manhattan 196.90 454126 21643 20.98
Queens 99.54 156902 5664 27.70
Staten Island 114.81 11541 373 30.94

We notice something interesting in the data here:

Average Price by Room Type

room_type = nyc_df.groupby('room_type')['price'].mean().round(2)

#Converting the series nbhd to a dataframe
room_type = room_type.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
room_type.rename(columns={'price': 'average_price'}, inplace=True)

# Identifying the average number of reviews for each neighbourhood (rounded to 2 decimal places)
room_type['total_number_of_reviews'] = nyc_df.groupby('room_type')['number_of_reviews'].sum().round()

average_price total_number_of_reviews
Entire home/apt 211.81 579856
Private room 89.79 537965
Shared room 70.08 19256

As expected, listings with Entire home/apt are the most expensive.

Number of Reviews vs. Price for Each Room Type

# Form a facetgrid using columns with a hue
graph = sns.FacetGrid(nyc_df, col ='room_type')

# map the above form facetgrid with some attributes, "price","number_of_reviews")

#Setting the title for the FacetGrid 
graph.fig.suptitle('Number of Reviews vs. Price for Each Room Type', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Number of Reviews vs. Price for Each Room Type')


There are more reviews for less expensive listings regardless of the room types.

Summary of Data




Number of Reviews

Additional Data necessary
The data only tells us if a review was left or not for any given listing. It would be beneficial to know what score each listing received when they were reviewed. We can only go off the number of reviews listings receive and assume listings (and by extension neighbourhoods and neighbourhood groups) with more reviews are preferable.

Exporting the data

#Exporting the dataset (without the index values)
#nyc_df.to_csv('Airbnb.csv', index=False)