
Bike Share Rides Data Analysis

Analysis of a case study that was part of the Google Data Analytics Certificate.

Dataset describes a bike-share company in Chicago that is seeking to understand its user demographics and redesign it’s marketing strategy to increase the number of users opting in for annual memberships. Dataset only covers data for 2019.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
import datetime
bks_df = pd.read_csv('bike_share_rawdata.csv')
trip_id start_time end_time bikeid tripduration from_station_id from_station_name to_station_id to_station_name usertype gender birthyear
0 21742443 01-01-2019 00:04 01-01-2019 00:11 2167 390 199 Wabash Ave & Grand Ave 84 Milwaukee Ave & Grand Ave Subscriber Male 1989.0
1 21742444 01-01-2019 00:08 01-01-2019 00:15 4386 441 44 State St & Randolph St 624 Dearborn St & Van Buren St (*) Subscriber Female 1990.0
2 21742445 01-01-2019 00:13 01-01-2019 00:27 1524 829 15 Racine Ave & 18th St 644 Western Ave & Fillmore St (*) Subscriber Female 1994.0
3 21742446 01-01-2019 00:13 01-01-2019 00:43 252 1783 123 California Ave & Milwaukee Ave 176 Clark St & Elm St Subscriber Male 1993.0
4 21742447 01-01-2019 00:14 01-01-2019 00:20 1170 364 173 Mies van der Rohe Way & Chicago Ave 35 Streeter Dr & Grand Ave Subscriber Male 1994.0

Based on the raw data provided we can explore the following questions:

Data Cleaning and Preparation

In this stage the data is checked for accuracy and completeness prior to beginning the analysis.

Note: There are no unique identifiers for each user so the data does not account for multiple trips made by users. Therefore, it will not be able to tell us how many unique users are associated with the ride data.

Checking for missing values
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 365069 entries, 0 to 365068
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------             --------------   -----  
 0   trip_id            365069 non-null  int64  
 1   start_time         365069 non-null  object 
 2   end_time           365069 non-null  object 
 3   bikeid             365069 non-null  int64  
 4   tripduration       365069 non-null  int64  
 5   from_station_id    365069 non-null  int64  
 6   from_station_name  365069 non-null  object 
 7   to_station_id      365069 non-null  int64  
 8   to_station_name    365069 non-null  object 
 9   usertype           365069 non-null  object 
 10  gender             345358 non-null  object 
 11  birthyear          347046 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(5), object(6)
memory usage: 33.4+ MB

The gender and birthyear columns appear to have missing values.

The missing values originate from a variety of reasons:

As we are interested in Customer data it is important to identify how many of the missing vales belong to the Customers. Additionally, it is recommended to make both the above values a required field for user data collection purposes to avoid missing data in the future.

##Rows with missing value for gender

False    345358
True      19711
Name: gender, dtype: int64
#Number of Customers with missing gender
bks_df[(bks_df['gender'].isnull()==True)& (bks_df['usertype']=="Customer")].count()
trip_id              17228
start_time           17228
end_time             17228
bikeid               17228
tripduration         17228
from_station_id      17228
from_station_name    17228
to_station_id        17228
to_station_name      17228
usertype             17228
gender                   0
birthyear              103
dtype: int64

The majority (17228/19711) of the missing gender values belong to the Customer data.

##Rows with missing value for birthyear

False    347046
True      18023
Name: birthyear, dtype: int64
#Number of Customers with missing birthyears
bks_df[(bks_df['birthyear'].isnull()==True)& (bks_df['usertype']=="Customer")].count()
trip_id              17126
start_time           17126
end_time             17126
bikeid               17126
tripduration         17126
from_station_id      17126
from_station_name    17126
to_station_id        17126
to_station_name      17126
usertype             17126
gender                   1
birthyear                0
dtype: int64
#Number of Subscribers with missing birthyears
bks_df[(bks_df['birthyear'].isnull()==True)& (bks_df['usertype']=="Subscriber")].count()
trip_id              897
start_time           897
end_time             897
bikeid               897
tripduration         897
from_station_id      897
from_station_name    897
to_station_id        897
to_station_name      897
usertype             897
gender                 0
birthyear              0
dtype: int64

The majority (17126/18023) of the missing birthyear values belong to the Customer data.

Replacing Missing Values

As there are a significant number of Customer data points in the missing data, we need to replace the missing data to get a better picture of the customer behavior. The missing data for the Subscribers is relatively less significant compared to the number of Subscribers.

bks_df['gender'] = bks_df['gender'].fillna("Other Gender Identity")
## We have replaced all missing gender values

Male                     278440
Female                    66918
Other Gender Identity     19711
Name: gender, dtype: int64
#Identifying average birthyear for each usertype
avg_age = bks_df.groupby('usertype')['birthyear'].mean().round()
Customer      1989.0
Subscriber    1982.0
Name: birthyear, dtype: float64
#The following line of code helps identify all values in the birthyear column that are null for customer data:
#bks_df.loc[(bks_df['usertype']=='Customer') & (bks_df['birthyear'].isnull()==True),['birthyear']]

#Replacing missing values with the average customer age
bks_df.loc[(bks_df['usertype']=='Customer') & (bks_df['birthyear'].isnull()==True),['birthyear']] = bks_df.loc[(bks_df['usertype']=='Customer') & (bks_df['birthyear'].isnull()==True),['birthyear']].fillna(1989)
##Rows with missing value for birthyear have been replaced

False    364172
True        897
Name: birthyear, dtype: int64

The only remaining values that are mising are the subscribers with missing birthyear.

Deleting Missing Values

bks_df.dropna(subset=['birthyear'], inplace=True)
## We have deleted all rows with missing birthyear values

False    364172
Name: birthyear, dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 364172 entries, 0 to 365068
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------             --------------   -----  
 0   trip_id            364172 non-null  int64  
 1   start_time         364172 non-null  object 
 2   end_time           364172 non-null  object 
 3   bikeid             364172 non-null  int64  
 4   tripduration       364172 non-null  int64  
 5   from_station_id    364172 non-null  int64  
 6   from_station_name  364172 non-null  object 
 7   to_station_id      364172 non-null  int64  
 8   to_station_name    364172 non-null  object 
 9   usertype           364172 non-null  object 
 10  gender             364172 non-null  object 
 11  birthyear          364172 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(5), object(6)
memory usage: 36.1+ MB

All missing values have been dealt with.

Correcting formatting issues in data

#Converting start time and end time to datetime values 

bks_df['start_time'] = pd.to_datetime(bks_df['start_time'])
bks_df['end_time'] = pd.to_datetime(bks_df['end_time'])
#Converting birthyear to int format
bks_df['birthyear'] = bks_df['birthyear'].astype(int)

Checking for other issues with values

Trip start and end times

#Checking for any instances where end time is earlier than the start time

(bks_df['end_time'] > bks_df['start_time']).value_counts()
True     364105
False        67
dtype: int64

The error could originate from a variety of reasons:

As the source of the error is unknown, correcting the values is not possible so the associated rows will be deleted.

#Deleting rows where end time is earlier than start time

bks_df.drop(bks_df[bks_df['end_time'] < bks_df['start_time']].index, inplace = True)
#Rows have been sucessfully deleted

(bks_df['end_time'] > bks_df['start_time']).value_counts()
True    364105
dtype: int64

Trip Duration

We have a column with “tripduration” that appears to be in seconds. However we have to check if the values are consistent with the actual trip duration.

# Calculating Trip duration in a new column
bks_df['trip_duration'] = bks_df['end_time'] - bks_df['start_time']

The trip duration calculated will be as a timedelta value which indicates the absolute time difference (for example “1 day 10:10:10”)

#Checking if any trips exceed 1 day

(bks_df['trip_duration']>pd.Timedelta("1 days")).value_counts() 
False    363720
True        385
Name: trip_duration, dtype: int64
#Checking the longest trip duration

Timedelta('302 days 12:38:00')

The bike share trips are meant for commutes around the city and it would not make sense for a trip to exceed one day. Therefore, we have incorrect values that need to be removed.

#Deleting rows where end time is earlier than start time

bks_df.drop(bks_df[bks_df['trip_duration']>pd.Timedelta("1 days")].index, inplace = True)
#Rows with duration trips duration exceeding 1 day have been deleted

(bks_df['trip_duration']>pd.Timedelta("1 days")).value_counts() 
False    363720
Name: trip_duration, dtype: int64

Now that we have calculated the trip duration and removed the erroneous values, we can convert it to seconds

#Creating a new column where we will convert 'trip_duration' into seconds
bks_df['trip_duration_seconds'] = bks_df['trip_duration'].dt.total_seconds()
#Comparing values in the trip_duration_seconds to tripduration
(bks_df['trip_duration_seconds'] == bks_df['tripduration']).value_counts()
False    359096
True       4624
dtype: int64

It appears the majority of the values do not match, which presents three possibilities:

  1. The tripduration values in the raw data may be capturing actual ride time in which case they may not include time the user is taking to unlock the bike, get on the bike etc. In this instance we can expect that the tripduration values to be lower than trip_duration_seconds values.
  2. The tripduration values may be inaccurate, which could be leading to the discrepancy.
  3. The start_time and end_time values may be inaccurate, which could be leading to the discrepancy.
#Comparing values in the trip_duration_seconds to tripduration to check if tripduration is always less than trip_duration_seconds
(bks_df['trip_duration_seconds'] > bks_df['tripduration']).value_counts()
False    183346
True     180374
dtype: int64

The tripduration values are not consistently lower than the tripduration values, so we can rule out the first possibility.

In the absence of specific context, it is not possible to verify if the second or third possibility are true. Therefore, we will make the assumption that the start_time and end_time values are accurate and delete the tripduration column.

#Deleting the tripduration column
bks_df.drop('tripduration',axis=1, inplace=True)

Creating new features

In this stage we are adding new features that will provide more insight into the data.


from datetime import date

bks_df['age'] = - bks_df['birthyear']

Day of week

#Identifying which day of the week the ride occured

bks_df['day_of_week'] = bks_df['end_time'].dt.day_name()


#Identifying which month the ride occured

bks_df['month'] = bks_df['end_time'].apply(lambda time: time.month)
#We needs to convert the values in the Month column from numbers to names of Months

dmap = {1:'January',2:'February',3:'March',4:'April',5:'May',6:'June',7:'July',8:'August',9:'September',10:'October',11:'November',12:'December'}
#Mapping our new dictionary to the Month column in the Dataframe

bks_df['month'] = bks_df['month'].map(dmap)

Data Analysis and Visualization

In this stage, we will examine the data to identify any patterns, trends and relationships between the variables. It will help us analyze the data and extract insights that can be used to make decisions.

Data Visualization will gives us a clear idea of what the data means by giving it visual context.

Checking for any correlation in the data

#Checking for any obvious correlation in the numeric variables


There does not appear to be any significant and meaningful correlation between variables

User Types

The users are divided into two types: Subscribers and Customer.

#Number of trips associated with users in each category

Subscriber    340685
Customer       23035
Name: usertype, dtype: int64
Subscriber = 340685
Customer = 23035


There are 14.8 times more Subscribers than Customers

user_count = bks_df['usertype']
plt.title("Number of Users of Each Type", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Users of Each Type')


The users are overwhelmingly in the Subscriber category. The marketing strategy is therefore aimed at converting the relatively small number of users from Customers to Subscribers.


#Number of trips associated with users of each gender

Male                     278169
Female                    66851
Other Gender Identity     18700
Name: gender, dtype: int64
gender_df = bks_df['gender'].value_counts()

explode = (0, 0.1, 0.2)

gender_df.plot.pie(figsize=(6, 6), autopct="%.1f",fontsize=20,labels=None, legend=True, explode=explode).set_ylabel('')
plt.title("Percentage of Users in Each Gender Category", fontsize=20)

# autopct="%.1f" shows the percentage to 1 decimal place 
#.set_ylabel('') and can be added to remove the usertype label on the left of the chart.set_ylabel('')
# The explosion array specifies the fraction of the radius with which to offset each slice.
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Percentage of Users in Each Gender Category')



Age statistics for all users

print("Youngest user is ", bks_df['age'].min(),"years old")
print("Oldest user is ", bks_df['age'].max(),"years old")
print("Average user is ", round(bks_df['age'].mean()),"years old")
print("Average standard deviation in age is", round(bks_df['age'].std()),"years")
Youngest user is  18 years old
Oldest user is  121 years old
Average user is  39 years old
Average standard deviation in age is 11 years

Age statistics by gender

# Identifying the average age by gender 

Female                   38.0
Male                     40.0
Other Gender Identity    33.0
Name: age, dtype: float64
fig_dims = (12, 8)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

sns.histplot(data=bks_df, x="age",binwidth=2,kde=True)
plt.title("Age Breakdown for Rides", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Age Breakdown for Rides')


Users between the ages of 32-34 make the most rides overall.

graph = sns.FacetGrid(bks_df, col="usertype", height=6)

#Setting the title for the FacetGrid 
graph.fig.suptitle('Age breakdown by Usertype for Rides', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Age breakdown by Usertype for Rides')


graph = sns.FacetGrid(bks_df, row="gender",col="usertype", height=6)

#Setting the title for the FacetGrid 
graph.fig.suptitle('Age breakdown by Usertype and Gender for Rides', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'Age breakdown by Usertype and Gender for Rides')




Day of Week

#Number of rides on any given day of the week
Thursday     66543
Tuesday      59524
Wednesday    57915
Friday       57651
Monday       47113
Sunday       38558
Saturday     36416
Name: day_of_week, dtype: int64
fig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

# order = bks_df['day_of_week'].value_counts().index helps us sort the count plot by the value counts

sns.countplot(x='day_of_week',data=bks_df,order = bks_df['day_of_week'].value_counts().index,palette='viridis')
plt.title("Bike Share Ride Breakdown by Day of Week", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Bike Share Ride Breakdown by Day of Week')


Thursdays are the busiest days of the week for rides


March        127161
February      65249
January       54228
November      15997
April         15044
May           14915
August        14769
June          13483
July          13382
December      11520
September      9087
October        8885
Name: month, dtype: int64
fig_dims = (12, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

#order = bks_df['month'].value_counts().index helps us sort the count plot by the value counts

plt.title("Bike Share Ride Breakdown by Month", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Bike Share Ride Breakdown by Month')


There is a steep increase in rides starting from January with March being the busiest month for rides. The ridership drops off in April and does not fluctuate as significantly for the rest of the year.

Trip Duration

Trip Duration Statistics

max_trip = bks_df['trip_duration'].max()
min_trip = bks_df['trip_duration'].min()
mean_trip = bks_df['trip_duration'].mean()
print("The longest trip duration was",max_trip,"\nThe shortest trip duration was",min_trip,"\nThe average trip duration was",mean_trip)
The longest trip duration was 0 days 23:29:00 
The shortest trip duration was 0 days 00:01:00 
The average trip duration was 0 days 00:12:36.275156713
# Analyzing the trip duration times to identify any trends

fig_dims = (10, 5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

trip_duration_counts = bks_df['trip_duration'].value_counts()


plt.title("Ride Duration Times", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Ride Duration Times')


#Checking how many trips exceed the 1 hour mark
(bks_df['trip_duration']<pd.Timedelta("1 hour")).value_counts() 
True     359683
False      4037
Name: trip_duration, dtype: int64

As seen in the plot and the data above the majority of trips do not exceed an hour.

Trip Duration by User Type

#Identifying the average trip duration for each user type
user_df = bks_df.groupby('usertype')['trip_duration_seconds'].mean().round()

#Converting the series user_df to a dataframe
user_df = user_df.to_frame()

#Converting 'trip_duration_seconds' back into timedelta format for readability 
user_df['average_trip_duration'] = user_df['trip_duration_seconds'].apply(lambda time: (datetime.timedelta(seconds = time))) 

#Dropping 'trip_duration_seconds' as it is no longer needed
user_df.drop('trip_duration_seconds',axis=1, inplace=True)

#Identifying number of trips for each user type
user_df['number_of_trips'] = bks_df['usertype'].value_counts()

average_trip_duration number_of_trips
Customer 0 days 00:34:23 23035
Subscriber 0 days 00:11:08 340685
cus = pd.to_timedelta("0 days 00:34:23")
sub = pd.to_timedelta("0 days 00:11:08")


On average, Customers make trips that are 3.1 times longer than Subscribers.

Note: it would be useful to know the frequency of trips made by individual users to understand whether individual Customers trips more or less often than individual Subscribers. The marketing strategy may differ depending on the result. For example it is harder to convince a customer who takes a long trip once every few months to purchase an annual membership as opposed to a customer who takes a long trip more frequently.

However, as mentioned before there are no unique identifiers for each user so the data does not account for multiple trips made by users. Therefore, it will not be able to tell us how many unique users are associated with the ride data.

Trip Duration, Number of Trips and Demographic Data

#Identifying the average trip duration for each user type
user_df = bks_df.groupby(['usertype','gender'])['trip_duration_seconds'].mean().round()

#Converting the series user_df to a dataframe
user_df = user_df.to_frame()

#Converting 'trip_duration_seconds' back into timedelta format for readability 
user_df['average_trip_duration'] = user_df['trip_duration_seconds'].apply(lambda time: (datetime.timedelta(seconds = time))) 

#Dropping 'trip_duration_seconds' as it is no longer needed
user_df.drop('trip_duration_seconds',axis=1, inplace=True)

#Identifying number of trips for each user type
user_df['number_of_trips'] = bks_df.groupby('usertype')['gender'].value_counts()

#Identifying average age by usertype and gender
user_df['average_age'] = bks_df.groupby(['usertype','gender'])['age'].mean().round()

average_trip_duration number_of_trips average_age
usertype gender
Customer Female 0 days 00:35:40 1871 31.0
Male 0 days 00:29:08 4045 32.0
Other Gender Identity 0 days 00:35:29 17119 32.0
Subscriber Female 0 days 00:11:53 64980 38.0
Male 0 days 00:10:54 274124 40.0
Other Gender Identity 0 days 00:19:45 1581 43.0

In the Customer category

In the Subscriber category


Average Trip Duration by Day of Week

#Identifying the average trip on any given day of the week
day_of_week = bks_df.groupby(['usertype','day_of_week'])['trip_duration_seconds'].mean().round()

#Converting the series day_of_week to a dataframe
day_of_week = day_of_week.to_frame()

#Converting 'trip_duration_seconds' back into timedelta format for readability 
day_of_week['average_trip_duration'] = day_of_week['trip_duration_seconds'].apply(lambda time: (datetime.timedelta(seconds = time))) 

#Dropping 'trip_duration_seconds' as it is no longer needed
day_of_week.drop('trip_duration_seconds',axis=1, inplace=True)

#Sorting values by'average_trip_duration'

usertype day_of_week
Subscriber Friday 0 days 00:10:44
Tuesday 0 days 00:10:58
Monday 0 days 00:10:59
Thursday 0 days 00:11:02
Sunday 0 days 00:11:14
Wednesday 0 days 00:11:31
Saturday 0 days 00:11:46
Customer Monday 0 days 00:32:39
Thursday 0 days 00:33:15
Tuesday 0 days 00:33:18
Saturday 0 days 00:33:31
Friday 0 days 00:33:43
Wednesday 0 days 00:34:37
Sunday 0 days 00:38:39

Note: Directly using bks_df.groupby([‘usertype’,’day_of_week’])[‘trip_duration’].mean() will not work because Python will not have any numeric data to aggregate

Number of Trips by Day of Week

#Identifying number of trips on a given day of the week by user type
number_of_trips = bks_df.groupby('usertype')['day_of_week'].value_counts()

#Converting the series number_of_trips to a dataframe
number_of_trips = number_of_trips.to_frame()

usertype day_of_week
Customer Saturday 4752
Wednesday 3722
Sunday 3637
Thursday 3145
Friday 2800
Tuesday 2773
Monday 2206
Subscriber Thursday 63398
Tuesday 56751
Friday 54851
Wednesday 54193
Monday 44907
Sunday 34921
Saturday 31664

Trip Start Times

# Analyzing the trip start times to identify how many trips begin at various times throughout the day.

# Isolating the time portion from bks_df['start_time']
start_time = bks_df['start_time'].dt.time 

start_time_counts = start_time.value_counts()

#X-axis ticks will have to be set manually since the plot is difficult to read otherwise

#Creating a series that will be populated using a for loop 
time_series = []
for x in range(24):
    #Note {:02d} ensures there are leading zeros (01,02,etc.) which is consistent with time formatting


fig_dims = (20, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

#The x-ticks are set to the time series just created
plt.title("Ride Start Times throughout the Day", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Ride Start Times throughout the Day')


As seen above, the number of rides peaks at two different points on any given day, which correspond roughly with daily commute times where users may be heading to and from their workplaces.

Morning Commute: Rides begins to rise after 5 AM, reaching a peak between 8 AM and 9 AM and then plateau around 10 AM.

Late Afternoon/Evening Commute: Rides begins to rise after 3 PM, reaching a peak sometime after 5 PM peak and then continue to decrease until the end of the day.

# Analyzing the trip start times to identify how many trips begin at various times throughout the day.

#Looking at Customer rides specifically
customer_trips = bks_df[bks_df["usertype"]=="Customer"]

# Isolating the time portion from bks_df['start_time']
start_time = customer_trips['start_time'].dt.time 

start_time_counts = start_time.value_counts()

#X-axis ticks will have to be set manually since the plot is difficult to read otherwise

#Creating a series that will be populated using a for loop 
time_series = []
for x in range(24):
    #Note {:02d} ensures there are leading zeros (01,02,etc.) which is consistent with time formatting


fig_dims = (20, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_dims)

#The x-ticks are set to the time series just created
plt.title("Customer Ride Start Times throughout the Day", fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Customer Ride Start Times throughout the Day')


Customer trips follow a different trend than the data overall.

The rides began to rise after 6 AM, reaching a peak sometime after 3 PM and then continue to decrease until the end of the day.

Trip Start/End Locations

Top ten bike stations where rides begin

from_stations_df = bks_df['from_station_name'].value_counts().head(10)
from_stations_df = from_stations_df.to_frame()

#The index for this dataframe contains the station names so we want to put that information in a seaprate column
#Resetting the index (also creates a new column called 'index')
from_stations_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)

#Renaming 'from_station_name' which contains value counts to 'number_of_trips_start' and renaming the 'index' column to 'start_station_name'
from_stations_df.rename(columns={'from_station_name': 'number_of_trips_start', 'index':'start_station_name'}, inplace=True)

start_station_name number_of_trips_start
0 Clinton St & Washington Blvd 7653
1 Clinton St & Madison St 6512
2 Canal St & Adams St 6335
3 Columbus Dr & Randolph St 4651
4 Canal St & Madison St 4569
5 Kingsbury St & Kinzie St 4389
6 Michigan Ave & Washington St 3986
7 Franklin St & Monroe St 3509
8 Dearborn St & Monroe St 3243
9 LaSalle St & Jackson Blvd 3234

Top ten bike stations where rides end

to_stations_df = bks_df['to_station_name'].value_counts().head(10)
to_stations_df = to_stations_df.to_frame()

#Resetting the index 
to_stations_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)

#Renaming columns
to_stations_df.rename(columns={'to_station_name': 'number_of_trips_end', 'index':'end_station_name'}, inplace=True)

end_station_name number_of_trips_end
0 Clinton St & Washington Blvd 7657
1 Clinton St & Madison St 6840
2 Canal St & Adams St 6741
3 Canal St & Madison St 4870
4 Michigan Ave & Washington St 4408
5 Kingsbury St & Kinzie St 4368
6 LaSalle St & Jackson Blvd 3302
7 Clinton St & Lake St 3293
8 Dearborn St & Monroe St 3133
9 Clinton St & Jackson Blvd (*) 3111

There’s a lot of overlap in the top 10 stations where rides begin/end so it is useful to identify which stations appear in both lists.

Stations that appear on both lists

#Creating two series each with the names of the top 10 stations
start = from_stations_df['start_station_name']
end = to_stations_df['end_station_name']

#Identifying the intersection of both series
pd.Series(list(set(start) & set(end)))
0    Michigan Ave & Washington St
1       LaSalle St & Jackson Blvd
2         Dearborn St & Monroe St
3             Canal St & Adams St
4        Kingsbury St & Kinzie St
5    Clinton St & Washington Blvd
6         Clinton St & Madison St
7           Canal St & Madison St
dtype: object

The bike stations listed are points where the most rides both begin and end, which makes them ideal locations for marketing promotions.

We can further explore what the top stations are by usertype. As we are primarily interested in converting Customers to Subscribers, it is valuable to know which stations marketing efforts should be focused on to target customers.

Top ten bike stations where rides begin for Customers

#Identifying Customers
customers_from_stations = bks_df[bks_df['usertype']=="Customer"]

#Identifying top 5 stations where Customers begin trips from
customers_from_stations = customers_from_stations.groupby('usertype')['from_station_name'].value_counts().head(10)
customers_from_stations = customers_from_stations.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
customers_from_stations.rename(columns={'from_station_name': 'number_of_trips'}, inplace=True)

usertype from_station_name
Customer Streeter Dr & Grand Ave 1218
Lake Shore Dr & Monroe St 1140
Shedd Aquarium 833
Millennium Park 622
Michigan Ave & Oak St 386
Adler Planetarium 361
Dusable Harbor 342
Michigan Ave & Washington St 342
Field Museum 298
Buckingham Fountain (Temp) 256

Top five bike stations where rides end for Customers

#Identifying Customers
customers_to_stations = bks_df[bks_df['usertype']=="Customer"]

#Identifying top 5 stations where Customers begin trips from
customers_to_stations = customers_to_stations.groupby('usertype')['to_station_name'].value_counts().head(10)
customers_to_stations = customers_to_stations.to_frame()

#Renaming columns
customers_to_stations.rename(columns={'to_station_name': 'number_of_trips'}, inplace=True)

usertype to_station_name
Customer Streeter Dr & Grand Ave 1931
Lake Shore Dr & Monroe St 891
Millennium Park 818
Shedd Aquarium 639
Michigan Ave & Oak St 447
Michigan Ave & Washington St 409
Theater on the Lake 348
Adler Planetarium 295
Lake Shore Dr & North Blvd 286
Wabash Ave & Grand Ave 242

Stations that appear on both lists

#As the station names are part of the MultiIndex for the data frames we need to rest the index
#Makes the username a new column
customers_from_stations.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
customers_to_stations.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)

#Makes the to_station_name and from_station_name a new column
customers_from_stations.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
customers_to_stations.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
#Creating two series each with the names of the top 10 stations
start = customers_from_stations['from_station_name']
end = customers_to_stations['to_station_name']

#Identifying the intersection of both series
pd.Series(list(set(start) & set(end)))
0    Michigan Ave & Washington St
1           Michigan Ave & Oak St
2                 Millennium Park
3               Adler Planetarium
4                  Shedd Aquarium
5         Streeter Dr & Grand Ave
6       Lake Shore Dr & Monroe St
dtype: object

The bike stations listed are points where the most rides both begin and end for Customers, which makes them ideal locations for marketing promotions specifically targeted at them.

Summary of Customer Data


Trip Duration

Day of Week

Start Times and Stations


Focus on what is valuable to Customers

Additional Data necessary
The company should associate a unique customer id with each trip to identify individual customer behaviors. The unique identifiers would reveal information on the frequency of bike trips made by each customer. For example, it would reveal how many trips each customer makes a week on average, which may reveal if there are specific differences or similarities in the two tiers of customers.